Sofya Aleynikova
Marketing/ Social MediaMarketing/ Social MediaSerokê Social Mediayê
Sofya is an artist and writer. A graduate in film and media studies (Uni Potsdam, MA) she puts her focus on philosophical experiments and format hybrids. Her projects have been featured in exhibitions . She has been a speaker at scientific conferences in New York and Bologna, published articles @JungleMagazine and @Rhizome. With many years of experience in sales and marketing, she has a talent for making art accessible to a wide audience and is KFFB's Head of Social Media.
Sofya ist eine Autorin, Künstlerin und studierte Filmwissenschaftlerin (FU Berlin). Sie war als Sprecherin auf wissenschaftlichen Tagungen in New York und Bologna und hat Artikel im Jungle Magazine und Rhizome Online veröffentlicht. Durch ihre langjährige Erfahrung im Vertrieb hat sie ein Talent, Kunst für ein breites Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Sie vertritt dieses Jahr das KFFB22 in den Sozialen Medien.
Sofya is an artist and writer. A graduate in film and media studies (Uni Potsdam, MA) she puts her focus on philosophical experiments and format hybrids. Her projects have been featured in exhibitions . She has been a speaker at scientific conferences in New York and Bologna, published articles @JungleMagazine and @Rhizome. With many years of experience in sales and marketing, she has a talent for making art accessible to a wide audience and is KFFB's Head of Social Media.