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The Address
The Address

The AddressThe AddressThe Address

Directed byRegieDerhêner

Aram Dildar

TurkeyTürkeiTurkey, 2022

Running timeLaufzeitDema bezê


Edip is appointed to his hometown as a teacher just after graduated from university. When he goes to the government office to start work, he learns that the village he was assigned to is not in the records. He could not tolerate the slowness of the bureaucracy any longer because schools are about to open. He starts to search for Yeşilköy himself, which cannot be found in any of the official records, in the region he knows like the back of his hand. Edip, who is looking for Yeşilköy in Diyarbakır, will find himself in one of Turkey's biggest political problems.

Edip wird kurz nach seinem Universitätsabschluss in seiner Heimatstadt als Lehrer eingestellt. Als er zum Regierungsbüro geht, um seine Arbeit aufzunehmen, erfährt er, dass das Dorf, dem er zugewiesen wurde, nicht in den Akten steht. Er kann die Langsamkeit der Bürokratie nicht länger ertragen und macht sich selbst auf die Suche nach Yeşilköy.

Edîp piştî ku zanîngeh qedand, li bajarê xwe wek mamoste tê tayînkirin. Dema ku ji bo dest bi kar bike diçe qeymeqamtiyê, hîn dibe ku gundê ku lê hatiye wezîfedarkirin di qeydan de nîne. Ji ber ku dibistan li ber vebûnê ne, êdî nikarîbû hêdîbûna burokrasiyê tehemmul bike. Ew bi xwe dest bi lêgerîna Yeşîlköy dike, ku di tu qeydên fermî de nayê dîtin, li herêma ku wek pişta destê xwe nas dike.



ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman

16.10.2022, 16:00
