Syrian weddingSyrian weddingSyrian wedding
Syrian Wedding , 2009-2011, 5m,45s, is a stop motion animation, in which Khadija uses hair, body, digital images and experimental sound to heighten the relation between her past memories and present ones. Animation of digital images in the video refers to the passage of time, surviving uncertainties and loss caused by the violence of civil war in Syria. By using materials from her own body such as hair, Khadija is able to connect to the history and her home of origin.
Syrian Wedding , 2009-2011, 5m,45s, ist eine Stop-Motion-Animation, in der Khadija Haare, Körper, digitale Bilder und experimentellen Sound einsetzt, um die Beziehung zwischen ihren vergangenen Erinnerungen und den heutigen zu betonen. Die Animation digitaler Bilder im Video bezieht sich auf das Vergehen der Zeit, das Überleben von Unsicherheiten und Verlusten, die durch die Gewalt des Bürgerkriegs in Syrien verursacht wurden. Durch die Verwendung von Materialien ihres eigenen Körpers, wie z. B. Haare, kann Khadija eine Verbindung zur Geschichte und ihrer Heimat herstellen.
Syrian Wedding , 2009-2011, 5m,45s, is a stop motion animation, in which Khadija uses hair, body, digital images and experimental sound to heighten the relation between her past memories and present ones. Animation of digital images in the video refers to the passage of time, surviving uncertainties and loss caused by the violence of civil war in Syria. By using materials from her own body such as hair, Khadija is able to connect to the history and her home of origin.
ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
15.10.2022, 18:00