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Alba Sotorra

Alba Sotorra

Director and independent producer, founder of the production company Alba Sotorra SL. Her films are created from a gender viewpoint, linked to the social and political reality of the time. Among her most notable works: The Return: Life After ISIS (2021, SXSW, HotDocs, Sheffield), Goya, RTS and Rose d'Or Awards nominee and winner of the Best Documentary Gaudi Award, among others; Commander Arian (2018, HotDocs, Shanghai, Sheffield); Game Over (2015), Best Documentary Gaudi Award; Francesca and love (2022, Málaga Film Festival).

Alba Sotorra ist Regisseurin und unabhängige Produzentin, Gründerin der Produktionsfirma Alba Sotorra SL. Ihre Filme sind aus einem weiblichenBlickwinkel heraus entstanden, der mit der sozialen und politischen Realität der jeweiligen Zeit verbunden ist. Zu ihren bemerkenswertesten Werken gehören: The Return: Life After ISIS (2021, SXSW, HotDocs, Sheffield), nominiert für den Goya-, RTS- und Rose d'Or-Preis und Gewinnerin des Gaudi-Preises für den besten Dokumentarfilm; Commander Arian (2018, HotDocs, Shanghai, Sheffield); Game Over (2015), Gaudi-Preis für den besten Dokumentarfilm; Francesca und die Liebe (2022, Málaga Film Festival).

Derhêner û berhemhênera serbixwe, avakara şerîkeya berhemhênanê ya Alba Sottora SLyê. Fîlmên wê ji nezereka zayenda civakî ya peywendîdar li gel rastiya polîtîk, civakî ya serdema xwe têne berhemanîn. Karûbarên wê yên berçav: The Return: Life After ISIS (2021, SXSW, HotDocs, Sheffield), endama xelatên Goya, RTS û Rose d'Or Awardsê û xelata baştirîn belgefîlma Gaudiyê. Fîlmên wê yên din: Commander Arian (2018, HotDocs, Shanghai, Sheffield); Game Over (2015), Baştirîn xelata belgefîlma Gaudiyê; Francesca and Love (2022, Málaga Film Festival).

2022. My emptiness and I. Producer. Fiction feature directed by Adrián Silvestre.
2021. The Return: Life After ISIS. Director, co-writer and producer. Feature documentary.
2021. Woman Under The Rain. Director, writer and producer. Short documentary.
2021. The things that keep us apart. Producer. Short fiction by Elena Ballvé, Laia Borràs, Carlota Darnell, Clara de Ramon, Àlex Gantzer, Júlia Parés.
2020. The end will be espectacular (Ji Bo Azadiyê). Producer. Feature fiction directed by Ersin Çelik.
2020. Blind(ed) Date. Producer. Short fiction directed by Sally Fenaux.
2020. La Vella Lluita. Producer. Short fiction directed by Marina and Carol Rodríguez Colás.
2020. Carta a un ser querido. Producer. Short documentary directed by Fernando Sánchez Martín.
2019. Home. Producer. Short documentary directed by Sevinaz Evdikê.
2018. Commander Arian, a story of Women, War and Freedom. Director, writer and producer. Feature documentary.
2015. Game Over. Director and writer. Feature documentary.
2011. Qatar, The Race. Director and writer. Documentary.
2008. Miradas Desveladas. Director, writer and producer. Documentary.
